Menu Makanan & Minuman
Gado-Gado Boplo
Special Boplo
Sop, Soto & Sate
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Cool Delights
Special Ice Blended
Paket Ultah Anak
Special Boplo
Gado-Gado Boplo
Rp 27.000
Boiled spinach, bean sprout, cabbage, tofu, fermented beans, potato, cucumber, corn, boiled egg, served with peanut sauce dressing and shrimp crackers, fried shallots.
w/ Lontong Rp 29.000
Rp 27.000
Fresh vegetables (cabbage, bean sprout, etc.) and basil with special peanut sauce.
w/ Lontong Rp 29.000
Rp 27.000
Rice noodles, tofu, potato, bean sprout, boiled egg, served with garlic peanut sauce and shrimp crackers, fried shallots.
w/ Lontong Rp 29.000
Rujak Juhi
Rp 29.000
Egg noodles, potato, cucumber, served with peanut sauce and crackers.
Asinan Sayur
Rp 27.000
Cabbage, bean sprout, cucumber, tofu, potato served with peanut sauce and crackers
Rujak Buah
Rp 22.000
Mix of fruits (papaya, mango, pineapple, etc.) served with brown sugar cane sauce.
Lontong Sayur
Rp. 18.000
Sliced banana leaf rice cake served with papayas coconut soup.
w/ Telor Rp 25.000, w/ Daging Rp. 33.000
w/ Ayam Rp 33.000, Komplit Rp 48.000
*semua harga belum termasuk Pajak Restoran 10%.